iPhix Brockville: Open for Business

A Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur:

Although there is 8 years between us, my older sister and I have always shared one thing in common; an insatiable curiosity for all things electronics.  I can credit a lot of the passion I have for technology to my sister as she was always willing to answer my annoying tech related questions.  Even after she moved out of our parents’ house I would call her at least once a week to talk about whatever computer problem I was having at the time, and she was always willing to listen.  As long as I can remember I have had this spark; this unceasing desire to read, absorb and understand everything I can about technology.  Computers, phones, tablets, networking, servers, radios, toaster ovens… if it’s powered by electricity it has my attention. I would spend hours taking things apart; although it took me awhile to get the hang of putting it back together though. I am pretty sure I owe my parents a vacuum and at least a dozen remotes.
I’ve also, for as long as I can remember, had a very addictive personality.  Something my parents can vouch for.  Let’s just say I played WAY more video games as a teenager than any normal person should.  I also have a very short attention span and am very stubborn.  All of these traits mean that I always have a million projects on the go, a lot of which never make it past “idea stage”.  These are also all the traits that most entrepreneur attribute to their desire to be… well… entrepreneur’s.  A desire NOT to work a regular nine to five, a desire to put the work in, no matter how hard, to make their grandiose and often outlandish ideas into the tangible.  Which in a long-winded, roundabout way, gets me to the point of this blog post.  
Thanks to the help of my former employers Mario and Kenneth, and a swift kick in the butt by my loving girlfriend Shauntel, I have FINALLY leaped head first into my dream of becoming an entrepreneur full time and opening up my own business.  A business that lets me do what I love everyday.
And it's with that passion and love that I am more than proud to announce that iPhix Canada has opened a second location here in Brockville Ontario.  I am looking forward to making iPhix your one stop shop for everything technology related.  Whether you have broken the screen on your cell phone, have a computer or laptop that is running slow or is infected with virus’ and malware, or you just want to come in and discuss the newest cell phones or computers on the market, iPhix Brockville will be the place for you to come geek out with me. I love a challenge and as mentioned previously don’t mind doing the research so if you have a problem or question that doesn’t fit into the above categories… but is electronic!... call or come in to the shop!
Written By: Matt Butler
iPhix Brockville